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Aradia: La Bella Pellegrina

Aradia born in Volterra

Aradia is a character shrouded in mystery, often regarded as a figure of myth, yet intriguingly compelling.

This captivating persona was first introduced to those outside of Italy in the late 19th century through the writings of Charles Leland in his book "Aradia: Gospel of the Witches" published in 1899.

However, despite the international promotion of this work, much of Aradia's identity remains veiled in obscurity, leading to endless debates over her existence and the authenticity of his resources. In fact, much of Aradia's story is based on traditional beliefs and storytelling rather than solid historical evidence. However, this doesn't diminish the significance of her story for those who seek to connect with the divine feminine energy she embodies.

Goddess of Witches

Aradia, regarded by many as the 'Goddess of Witches', is believed by some to be a derivative of the name Herodias or Erodiade, the latter being the Medieval Italian pronunciation of the name Herodias. Herodias, however, is a biblical character and doesn't share any notable characteristics with Aradia, apart from the possible name derivation.

Leland portrayed Aradia as a beacon of hope for oppressed individuals, particularly women who during the medieval era yearned for freedom from their servitude to the patriarchy.

Leland's Gospel paints a picture of Aradia as a symbol of resistance against Christianity, a peaceful messiah teaching her followers to oppose their oppressors and liberate themselves.

Author Raven Grimassi suggests that Aradia was both a worshipped Goddess and an earthly figure, Aradia di Toscano, who embodied the Goddess Diana's teachings.

According to Grimassi, Aradia received messages from Diana to teach the magical arts and healing on Earth. She is rumoured to have been born in 1313 in the ancient Etruscan town of Volterra, a town that has had a strong connection with Diana and witchcraft since ancient times (see below the Etruscan Porta di Diana).

Etruscan Porta di Diana in Volterra : Legend of Aradia

The Bella Pellegrina

Aradia's teachings through Italy (and beyond) set the stage for witchcraft to thrive in Europe, a phenomenon which tragically, within 150 years, would be met with the brutal persecution of the Inquisition. This timeline actually perfectly corresponds with the words of Italian Inquisitor Bernando Rategno in 1508 when he noted that in Italy ' a rapid expansion of witchcraft had occurred one hundred and fifty years earlier'.

Given the historical context, it's plausible that the scarcity of solid factual evidence of Aradia's life is also a consequence of the widespread persecution of women during medieval times - especially during the Inquisition.

This theory is further substantiated by the fact that many historical accounts and records were written by men in power - often excluding or erasing the narratives of marginalized groups such as women.

Aradia "The Beautiful Pilgrim," was said to have travelled extensively throughout Tuscany teaching and preaching the religion of Diana, the Goddess of the natural world, wild animals, the poor and the oppressed. According to the writings of Grimassi, Aradia was educated in witchcraft and healing by her aunt, and used her power to "challenge the existing order."

According to his research, she left Volterra due to persecution before recruiting disciples and followers as she travelled through Italy. At Lake Nemi (on the ruins of the temple of Diana Nemorensis), she founded a cult called "The Triad Clans" who studied with her and then dispersed to spread the teaching of Stregheria and plant medicine to the common people of Italy and eventually the rest of Europe.

The use of herbal remedies is still deeply ingrained in Italian culture today and continues to play a significant role in maintaining the health of rural communities. Traditional plant remedies were usually passed down through generations via the female line, and they are still used in the home to treat a wide range of ailments, from minor illnesses to more serious conditions.

Unravelling the Enigma of Aradia

Whether fact or myth, Aradia's legend serves as a powerful symbol of female empowerment and resistance against oppression and patriarchy, a legacy that resonates deeply with women on a spiritual journey.

PS In May 2024, we seek to trace the mystical footsteps of Aradia, re-living her journey and relishing in the spiritual teachings she left in her wake.

Our pilgrimage will culminate at the ruins of the temple of Lake Nemi, once a revered site dedicated to the goddess Diana, and Aradia's followers.

While you will not find concrete historical evidence of Aradia at every turn, the sites we visit all have a unique spiritual resonance and connection to her legend and other ancient goddesses worshipped in Italy. We invite you too to connect with the divine feminine energy that flows through this wild and storied landscape. Come join us!


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