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Ley Lines in Italy

In Italy, there are several locations that have been associated with ley lines including Assisi, the Grimaldi caves and Mt. Etna in Sicily.

Ley lines, also known as dragon lines, are mysterious energy pathways that link ancient monuments and sites of spiritual significance across the globe. These connection points offer insight into humanity’s shared cultural heritage — bridging past and present to create a timeless tapestry of knowledge.

Ancient people travelled along these lines, and likely connected places of power and ritual significance . Over time, these lines became pathways for spiritual energy that could be used to help guide travellers, farmers, and traders.

It was believed in ancient times, that by travelling along ley lines, people could access special spiritual energy that would bring them luck, protection, and even healing. Taking a pilgrimage along these ancient paths was believed to connect one to ancient elemental spirits and forgotten knowledge and wisdom.

Later, after organized religion came to power, the same paths provided travellers passage to holy religious sites and powerful shrines.

According to Philip Carr-Gomm and Richard Heygate’s “Book of English Magic,” the name ley lines originated as follows:

Alfred Watkins, a landscape photographer in Herefordshire, noticed that ancient sites seemed to be aligned with others nearby. His idea was that our ancestors built and used prominent features in the landscape as navigation points. These features included prehistoric standing stones and stone circles, barrows and mounds, hill forts and earthworks, ancient moats, old pre-Reformation churches, old crossroads and fords, prominent hilltops and fragments of old, straight tracks. Watkins went on to suggest that the lines connecting these ancient sites represented old trackways or routes that were followed in prehistoric times for the purposes of trade or religious rites, and in 1921 he coined the term ‘ley lines’ to describe these alignments.”

Mount Etna

Etna has been revered since ancient times and was believed to be home to gods and goddesses of the underworld, including Hybla, who was responsible for sparking eruptions on the island.

Shamans and spiritual leaders tapped into the island's powerful volcanic activity, believing that it provided them with sacred energy that could be used to control the weather and bless the land with fertility.

Located at the crossroads of two major ley lines, Mount Etna is considered a powerful vortex and point of convergence for spiritual energies flowing throughout the Mediterranean region and is also believed to be associated with the movements of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars.

It is believed that Mount Etna’s location, at the centre of the Mediterranean basin, makes her a focal point for these forces, which are said to be associated with the elements of earth, water, fire, and air.

Being associated with the element of fire, Etna is believed to be a place of transformation and purification and modern spiritual practitioners meet there to perform rituals and ceremonies designed to harness the energy of the volcano and tap into its transformative power.


Assisi also sits at the intersection of two powerful energetic pathways that are believed to form a powerful vortex of healing energy at their intersection.

Since pre-Etruscan times, the area where Assisi lies has been revered as a significant spiritual site. Consequently, it is home to several ancient temples and shrines dating back thousands of years.

Founded on the site of an ancient spring, Assisi has been a place of healing and purification since the pre-Etruscan period.

After the Etruscans left, a temple to the goddess Minerva was erected by the Ancient Romans who sought to protect the ancestral power that permeated the sacred waters.

When the Christian church arrived in Assisi in the 4th century, the cave and spring were dedicated to St. Francis.

The spring then became one of Italy’s most important pilgrimage sites and eventually was encompassed as part of the Basilica di San Francesco, which was built around the grotto in the 13th century.

Many miracles and supernatural events have taken place at the Basilica complex over the last centuries, and it is said that St. Francis himself performed miracles at this sacred water source, whose waters are said to heal the sick and bring good fortune.

How to find ley lines

While the existence of ley lines is not scientifically recognized, they have been the subject of much speculation and exploration among spiritualists and esoteric practitioners.

Dowsing techniques are said to be effective for finding ley lines, vortexes, and other energies known for their healing, divination, and consciousness-altering powers, and a modern-day pilgrimage route in Italy also follows the ancient roads once used to link sacred sites in Europe: the Via Francigena (St Francis Way).

The Via Francigena was inspired by the life of St Francis of Assisi and passes through England, France, Switzerland, and Italy, with the Italian leg covering a distance of approximately 1,000 kilometres. In use since the Middle Ages, the St Francis Way played a significant role in shaping European culture, religion, and politics and remains an important spiritual journey for many people, including modern-day pilgrims who seek to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors or simply experience the spiritual energy, vortexes and heritage of this iconic trail.


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